Thursday, December 12, 2019

Tom Raider CSP

Language and Audience

Analyse the game cover for Tomb Raider Anniversary (above).

1) How does the cover communicate the genre of the game?

The cover shoes props like guns which show the genre is action.

2) How does the pose and costume of the character appeal to primarily male audiences?

The femine pose and minimum clothing of lara croft can suggest the sterotypical look of females and appeal to male audience.

3) How might the cover be read as empowering for female gamers?

This si because there has been no female protagnist in the gaming industry.

Gameplay analysis

Watch the following gameplay clips again:

1) What does the gameplay for Tomb Raider Anniversary involve?

third perpective  view
more cinematic
cut scenes and more action

2) Write an analysis of the media language choices in the construction of the game: e.g. genre, narrative, mise-en-scene, camera shots etc.

The genre is action seen by the location of the game and the narrative is about the female protagnist trying to save her life.The cut scenes can be seen charcters expressions and perspective fo the charcter.

3) Analyse the clips for audience pleasures, applying audience theory and considering media effects.


Read this NME feature on the evolution of the character of Lara Croft. Answer the following questions:

1) Note the statistics in the opening paragraph.

2) How does the article describe the cultural change in society and the media since the early 00s?

It talks about change of euality for women.

3) How was the original 1996 Lara Croft received by audiences and critics?

it was received good feedback from the audience as it shows strength for a women.

4) What did the 2013 re-launch do differently – and how successful was it?

IT did not show lara croft as an sex object.

5) How is ‘woke Lara’ defined in the conclusion of the feature?

defined as  lightness, intelligence, recklessness, courage and physical ability.
Now read this feature – Tomb Raider’s Lara Croft: feminist or femme fatale

1) Why is Lara Croft considered a “polarising figure among gamers”?

This is because people debate saing that this is only for male attention.

2) How did the limitations of game construction in the 1990s help to establish the way female characters were animated?

This is because they couldn't show the movement for the female charcters.

3) Why were Lara Croft’s physical attributes emphasised in the original games?

This is because it was more appealing to male audience.

4) How does Anita Sarkeesian describe Lara Croft?

She describer her as a hyper sexual character.

5) Why has Lara Croft’s appearance and characterisation changed over time?

This si because gaming has developed and more natural movemenmts can come now than before.Industries

1) Why is Lara Croft such an iconic figure in the gaming industry?

First female protagonist.

2) What products and spin-offs have featured Lara Croft or the Tomb Raider brand?

filmimg star.advertismenets and tv series shwoing lara croft charcter.

3) Why might Lara Croft be considered a postmodern icon?

This is because she has been well known for a period of time.

4) Why is Tomb Raider Anniversary a 'case study in conglomerate ownership'?

The franchise is massive and has grown in the two decades.

Thursday, December 5, 2019

further feminist theories

1) What definitions are offered by the factsheet for ‘feminism ‘and ‘patriarchy’?

Feminism is a movement which aims for equality for women
patriarchy is a limitation to women receiving the same treatment and benefits as their male counterparts.

2) Why did bell hooks publish her 1984 book ‘Feminist Theory: From Margin to Center’?

She had identified a lack of diversity within the feminist movement, and argued that these diverse voices had been marginalised, being put outside the main body of feminism.

3) What aspects of feminism and oppression are the focus for a lot of bell hooks’s work?

she focuses on TV,film and advertising.

4) What is intersectionality and what does hooks argue regarding this?

Intersectionality is used to describe overlapping or intersecting social identities and related systems of oppression, domination or discrimination. Its meaning is that multiple identities intersect to create a whole that is different from separate component identities

5) What did Liesbet van Zoonen conclude regarding the relationship between gender roles and the mass media?

Her work puts her as a key figure in third wave feminism. Van Zoonen concludes that there is a strong relationship between gender (stereotypes, pornography and ideology) and communication, but it is also the mass media that leads to much of the observable gender identity structures in advertising, film and TV.

6) Liesbet van Zoonen sees gender as socially constructed. What does this mean and which other media theorist we have studied does this link to?

This means that media has made certain stereotypes for gender roles and have given them restrictions in terms of what to do which likes with Judith butler.

7) How do feminists view women’s lifestyle magazines in different ways? Which view do you agree with?

They view of is that it is an exaggeration of femininity and the objectify women throughout with the products and make a certain body image of a women which other women need to follow inn order to get men attracted to them.
8) In looking at the history of the colours pink and blue, van Zoonen suggests ideas gender ideas can evolve over time. Which other media theorist we have studied argues this and do you agree that gender roles are in a process of constant change? Can you suggest examples to support your view?

Pink for femininity and blue for Masculinity was built in the 19th century and this is supported by other theorist like Judith butler as genders are constructed by society which is quite true in my opinion because  i believe that people tend to follow rules and regulations which are set by the society and have made an image in their head.

9) What are the five aspects van Zoonen suggests are significant in determining the influence of the media?

• Whether the institution is commercial or public
• The platform upon which they operate (print versus digital media)
• Genre (drama versus news)
• Target audiences
• The place the media text holds within the audiences’ daily lives

10) What other media theorist can be linked to van Zoonen’s readings of the media?

Stuart hall and his readings of negotiated and preferred readings.

11) Van Zoonen discusses ‘transmission models of communication’. She suggests women are oppressed by the dominant culture and therefore take in representations that do not reflect their view of the world. What other theory and idea (that we have studied recently) can this be linked to?

hall's theory of media construction is that audience will interpret text in their own perspective.
12) Finally, van Zoonen has built on the work of bell hooks by exploring power and feminism. She suggests that power is not a binary male/female issue but reflects the “multiplicity of relations of subordination”. How does this link to bell hooks views on feminism and intersectionality

This links to bell hooks views because it discusses the power that both gender has and discusses how bring other intersections will bring in power.