Friday, February 28, 2020

The sims representations

Textual analysis

Re-watch some of the expansion pack trailers and answer the following questions:
1) How do the expansion pack (DLC) trailers reinforce or challenge dominant ideologies?

Reinforces a capitalist society where you have to work and be successful. Game play has been feminised to appeal to the female audience.Reinforces some gender stereotypes

2) What stereotypes have you identified in The Sims FreePlay?

Female Sim in pink bedroom doing her homework/schoolwork where as the male Sim is in a blue bedroom. The male character is also shown to do more masculine stereotyped activities like doing karate and playing drums. Mainly female Sims shown to shop and catwalk etc HOWEVER Chic Boutique extension pack uses male Sims also and feminises masculinity 

3) What media theories can you apply to representations in The Sims FreePlay?

Van zoonen-gender stereotypes as he believe gender roles are constructed in the society.In the game it links to him as  men are working and women stay at home. 

Representation reading

Read this Forbes article on gender and racism in The Sims franchise and answer the following questions:

1) How realistic does The Sims intend to be?

It si not very realistic but it is dream that every american has to have a big house and create your own world.

2) How has The Sims tried to create more realistic representations of ethnicity?

This is by having people by all race and allowing people to make their own characters.

3) How has The Sims responded to racism and sexism in society?

This is by having homosexuality and tell everyone that there game is for everyone.

4) What is The Sims perspective on gender fluidity and identity?

This is by showing homosexuality in open in the game.

5) How does The Sims reinforce the dominant capitalist ideologies of American culture?

This is because the message is to get as much money as you can and built your own empire.

1) How did same-sex relationships unexpectedly help the original Sims game to be a success?
"Same-sex relationships were probably the main factor that led to the game's popularity. During a showcase of the game at E3, audiences were shocked and pleased when they were able to form relationships between the same-sex. It was something that had never been done before in the gaming industry and it received massive positivity from gamers and critics".
2) How is sexuality now represented in The Sims?

There is now a lot of freedom and it is now possible to have same sex relationships etc.
3) Why have fans praised the inclusion of LGBTQ relationships in The Sims franchise?
It was praised as it giving a good representation of what LGBTQ+ rights should be like.

4) Why did the Sims run into regulatory difficulties with American regulator the ESRB? How did EA respond?
It was given an M rating due to its same-sex support. In response to this, EA fought hard in convincing ESRB that the game should maintain its T-rating.
5) How is sexuality represented in the wider videogames industry today?
Some games have also started integrating same-sex relationships into their games on Xbox and Xbox 360. An example of this is Fable as it allowed players to have gay and lesbian relationships.

Reality, postmodernism and The Sims

1) What does the article suggest about the representation of real life in The Sims 4?
It suggests that as Sims mimics real life, it reduces the experience of diversion as the game essentially forces you to lead a domestic life. "The Sims 4 is basically real adult life and I f-ing hate it"

2) What audience pleasures did the writer used to find in The Sims franchise?
  • Escapism and fantasy - the various Supernatural and fantasy expansion packs enabled gamers to further this experience of diversion.
3) Why the does the writer mention an example of a washer and dryer as additional DLC?
She mentions the washer and dryer as DLC to emphasise the sense of obligation they felt and how they felt trapped in the cycle of domesticity.

4) In your opinion, has The Sims made an error in trying to make the franchise too realistic?

I think that the game hasn't necessarily made an error, but they do need to focus on giving the game itself more options that provide the pleasure of diversion/escapism. By adding these different options, gamers should feel more freedom within the game as they would not be stuck in the same routine both in reality and in their virtual realities.

5) How does this representation of reality link to Baudrillard’s theory of hyperreality - the increasingly blurred line between real and constructed?

This links to Baudrillard's theory of hyperreality as it suggests that like the writer of this article, gamers will too find it harder to identify the boundaries between reality and their virtual lives. The domestic life of the game is so similar to that of their actual lives, that it becomes difficult to distinguish between the two.

The Sims FreePlay social media analysis

Analyse The Sims FreePlay Facebook page and Twitter feed and answer the following questions:

1) What is the purpose of The Sims FreePlay social media channels?

This is to promote their game and get a wider audience.

3) Scroll down the Facebook feed briefly. How many requests for new content can you find from players? Why is this such as an important part of the appeal for The Sims FreePlay?
  • Different body types
  • Facial features
  • Different buildings
Highlights the fact that audiences constantly desire new more diverse content - important as it signifies the fact that audiences are directly involved in shaping the content of Sims.

4) What tweets can you find in the Twitter feed that refer to additional content or other revenue streams for EA?
  • Expansion packs - a revenue stream as people download the additional content to improve the game.
  • Premium content - "VIP Rooms and Winter Wonderland Quest"

5) Linking to our work on postmodernism, how could The Sims FreePlay social media presence be an example of Baudrillard’s hyperreality and simulacra?
It is an example of simulacra as it is situated in the real world and focuses on real actions, yet is based on fictional content of the sims. It is bringing the media text into and merging it with the real world.

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