Sunday, September 30, 2018

semiotics icon index symbol


1) Find three examples for each: icon, index and symbol. Provide images or links.  
           See the source image        Image result for bikeImage result for food

Image result for skull and bonesImage result for nuclear sign

Image result for tesco

Image result for sikh religious symbolImage result for islam religious symbolImage result for hindu religious symbols


 2) Why are icons and indexes so important in media texts?
Icons are important because they are pictorial  representation of the product and it shows what it is being represented for eg a photograph and indexes are also important as indexes show what’s being represented for eg smoke which indicates fire.

3) Why might global brands try and avoid symbols in their advertising and marketing?
Global brands might avoid symbols as symbols are connected culturally with numbers and alphabets and you might not be part of the culture to understand the advert.

4) Find an example of a media text (e.g. advert) where the producer has accidentally communicated the wrong meaning using icons, indexes or symbols. Why did the media 
product fail? (This web feature on bad ads and marketing fails provides some compelling examples).

Advert  from Starbucks 
The producer has communicated the wrong meaning using icons as it shows us two   Ice frappes and the grass therefore the index is that there is grass  and their are  butterflies which are  trying to   show how Starbucks is eco-friendly but it isn’t as looking closely everything looks artificial.furthermore the symbol the phrase”collapse into cool” can suggest that maybe this advertisement is for fun but it was actually not seen really good as some people might think it is poking 9/11.therefore the media also failed to show what their subject or message was for the audience.
5) Find an example of a media text (e.g. advert) that successfully uses icons or indexes to create a message that can be easily understood across the world.

The advert is about  share a Coke in 2011 therefore it was successful as The icon which is the drink Coca Cola has been put all together in all the different sizes which shows us that it is available in a can or a bottle.therefore the icon is the colour red in all the cans and drinks with their special font which is very famous but the symbol is the most important as this advert was about share a Coke and their were things like nan,sister written which means now you can customize your drink and upload you name on their website to win something which helped the company a lot to raise a lot of attention and give a Strong competition to the Pepsi’s advert.

Monday, September 24, 2018

my media consumption

  • Which daily newspapers (if any) do you read?
  • I read newspaper some
  • What sections of newspapers do you turn to first, and why?
  • the headline and jobs advert as I am looking for a job
  • What sections do you never read, and why?
  • the gossip or controversial stuff
  • What kinds of stories do you usually read and why?
  • something which has impacted the world because it helps me get information about what's going around the world.
  • Do you, or someone else, buy the newspaper you read?I buy the newspaper myself.
    Do you look at the online versions of any newspapers? Which newspapers? Why do you visit their website and not others?
  • I don't use online sites for newspapers.

  • What magazines (if any) do you buy regularly?  Why
  • I never read magazines
  • What sections of the magazines do you read and not read, and why?
  • if I do then I will probably read about fitness.

  • Approximately how many hours a week do you spend watching television?
  • 20
  • What times of day do you usually watch television?
  • all the days
  • What programmes do you like best and why?
  • I watch this show called big boss and it is basically like big brother but in my own language.
  • Do you watch alone or with others? If you watch with others, who decides what you will watch?
  • I watch television with my family.
  • Do you watch 'live' TV or on-demand/catch-up? Do you use any other devices to watch TV (such as laptop or tablet?)
  • yas I watch football or boxing matches online in my laptop.

  • Do you listen to the radio?
  • no I don't listen to radio
  • If yes, what stations do you like best and why?
  • Approximately how many hours a week do you spend listening to the radio?
  • What times of the day do you usually listen to the radio?
  • Where do you listen to the radio?
  • What other activities (if any) do you do whilst listening to the radio?
  • Does anyone else in your house listen to the radio? If so, when do they listen?

  • What films have you seen in the cinema in the last month?
  • the nun, 22  miles and
  • What films have you seen in other places – for example, through Netflix, Amazon Prime, satellite/cable film channels (free or otherwise) or streaming?
  • Who else watched the films with you?
  • Who decided what films to watch?
  • What devices do you typically use to watch films: TV, laptop, tablet, phone etc.?

  • How often do you access the internet?
  • basically all the time.
  • Where do you access the internet?  At home, at college or school, or at work? everywhere
  • What are the main sites that you access?
  • bloggers, YouTube
    What are the main reasons for accessing these sites – for example, for information, to make purchases, communicate with friends or for entertainment?
  • they are good to watch things which help me know my surrounding and also help me socialize with my friends.
  • What other activities (if any) do you do whilst accessing the internet?
  • I listen to music.
  • What different devices do you use to access the internet? What is your primary device for accessing the internet?
  • I use my phone, my I pad and my laptop to access the internet.
  • What social networks do you use regularly (e.g. Twitter, Instagram)? Why do you belong to these networks in particular?
  • I usually use snap chat because it helps me get news around my area and socialize with my friends.

  • How can you develop the amount and variety of media you consume?
  • read more newspaper and start using radio and reading magazines
  • What will you change in your media consumption habits this year as a result of studying A Level Media?
  • I will start buying newspapers, read magazines and listen to news in my TV
  • List three sources of media (websites/newspapers/apps/TV programmes etc.) that you will start to access this year that you haven't engaged with previous
  • newspaper
  • magazines men's health
  • use  apps which help me get news  

Friday, September 21, 2018

This image denotes 50 cent the rapper who has been shot 12 times and the image has a very dark background as low-key lightning has been used which connotes that he has lived a very tough life and the shot is a close-up and his facial expressions which are very serious connote to me that he is very serious about what his message is to the audience .Therefore the  picture is white and black which suggests that it is a very old advert and there have , therefore the size of the text shows us that there a lot of ups and downs in life therefore  his key message is that you don't know what I coming in  future and you should do what you want to do in life as you might not have another day which can help to motivate people.The composition of the image has been combined by two different images as one has his face and the other one has his finger prints which shows that he has signed at what he wrote which means he stands by his words.

See the source image
this image is a Nike advertisement and is featuring Cristiano Ronaldo and the colour of the image is very bright and shiny which creates a very mood for us to join  him and play football with him therefore this image is long shot with smoke in the background where his shoes are which suggest that you will run very fast if you buy the pair and the size of the text which is written very big and has highlights as 'explosive speed' connotes us that these trainers are very good for people who want to run fast and for Cristiano Ronaldo fans .therefore the lighting is very bright and is making the picture stand out with the orange colour and the lightning is focused at his trainers which shows us that the advertisement is about his shoes. Furthermore the pose that Cristiano Ronaldo is doing shows that he is playing football and is running that shoes that these are running shoes. And he does to show that buying this will improve you in the game of football.

Thursday, September 13, 2018

1) Why did you choose A Level Media Studies?
I choose media as an a level as it goes very well with the subject I am doing which is double business .

2) Did you take GCSE Media Studies (either here at Greenford or a different school)?
No I have never done media before.

3) If you answered yes to Q2, what grade did you achieve in GCSE Media? What coursework tasks did you complete? What would you say your strengths and weaknesses were in GCSE Media?

3) What grade do you hope to achieve in A Level Media?
I hope to get an A in media studies.

4) What are your current thoughts about your next steps after A Levels - university, apprenticeship, work?
I am thinking about doing business management or an apprenticeship/degree in business.

5) What do you think the biggest media story of 2018 has been and why?
The biggest story of 2018 has probably been on 

6) What media sources do you use to find out about news and current affairs?
 I use Instagram and Snapchat to find out news for London and sometimes I watch television to see the news 

7) What was the last film you watched?
The last movie I watched was the nun.

8) What is your favourite ever TV series?

9) How many hours do you spend online in an average day? Is this too little, too much or about right? Why?
I think I use about  5 hours  a day on average being online and this is too much as it consumes a lot of my time because it keeps me updated with everything.