Saturday, February 23, 2019

ideology final tasks

Page 34: The World Of Mockingjay: Ideology, Dystopia And Propaganda

1) Read the article and summarise it in one sentence.

This article is about representation is dystopian representation of capitalist society in the latest Hunger Games

2) What view of capitalist ideology is presented in the Hunger Games films?

They are shown as very cruel group of people who are ruling over the poor and are giving them minimum food and money to live.

3) What do the Hunger Games films suggest about the power of the media to shape and influence ideological beliefs?

These movies suggest that media is very powerful to show us about values or ideologies that we are not aware of.

Page 48: They Live - Understanding Ideology

1) Read the article and summarise it in one sentence.

This article is about ideology which are things that are not disagreed in the society.

2) What are the four accepted ideological beliefs in western societies highlighted by the article?

• People should put their families first.
• People should work hard
for their money.
• Women should behave in feminine
ways, and look after their appearance.

3) What does Gramsci's theory of hegemony suggest about power and ideology in society?

His theory suggested that Gransci people who are powerful stay powerful by  maintaining their control through consent,rather than the use of force. He argued that the power of ideology derives primarily from ideas and structures which support, and thus serve the purpose of, an elite social group which is able to dominate through ideas,rather than militaristic strength or fear.

4) What does French theorist Louis Althusser suggest about ideology and consumerism?

he had two views on ideology and consumerism.
1: Repressive State Control, also known as ‘Repressive
State Apparatuses’ (RSAs) through the major institutions of society – the Government, Army, Police, Courts, etc. –which are dominated by the ruling elite. These state agencies regulate social behaviour and repress the masses through violence, punitive law, and fear.
2: ‘Ideological State Apparatuses’ (ISAs), such as the Church, the media,
educational institutions, the family unit etc. These looser institutions control and dominate implicitly through ‘common sense’ acceptance and social norms,rather than through fear. This echoes Gramsci’s concept of hegemony, by which ideology’s power derives primarily from consent as opposed to the use of force.

5) Do YOU agree with the idea behind They Live - that we are unthinkingly controlled by the media which is run in the interests of the economic elite? These are the big questions of A Level Media

i agree that we are being controlled by the media which runs in the interest by economic elite because these people are more powerful than ordinary people so there views are shown more in the media but nowadays people decide a lot  in order to  what they follow or watch in media.

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