Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Introduction to women in video games

Part 1: Medium article - Is Female Representation in Video Games Finally Changing?

Read this Medium feature on whether female representation in videogames is finally changing. Answer the following questions:

1) How have women traditionally been represented in videogames?

They are being represented as a object or prize which the hero gets when he wins the game at the end and they need to be rescued.

2) What percentage of the video game audience is female?


3) What recent games have signalled a change in the industry and what qualities do the female protagonists offer?

  • tomb raider 
  • the last of us
  • the walking dead series

4) Do you agree with the idea that audiences reject media products if they feel they are misrepresented within them?

yes  because a female will not play the game in which the women is being seen as. a object and is being being represented as. a sex object.

5) What does the writer suggest has changed regarding recent versions of Lara Croft and who does she credit for this development?

she suggested that now Lara Croft does not look like a sex object and is wearing appropriate clothing.

Part 2: Tropes vs Women in Video Games – further analysis

Visit Anita Sarkeesian’s ‘Tropes vs Women in Video Games Series 2’ YouTube playlist and watch ONE other video in the series (your choice - and feel free to choose a video from season 1 if you prefer). Write a 100 word summaryof the video you watch:

Title of video: Body language and the male gaze

100 word summary: 

IN this video,Anita is using the example of destiny and explaining how the game lets you make your own character and lets you choose you the gender and race.however in the game the movement of the characters of male and. female are very different as the male characters are sitting in a position in which they look active and confidence  but the women looks like they are tired and comfortable.This then shows that the difference. between the genders and along side the movement of the female character is also shown in a very sexual way.This is by showing their whole body move when they are walking and this video summarises the fact that the movement created for female characters are the stereotypical view of how women are being seen in society.

Part 3: Anita Sarkeesian Gamespot interview

Finally, read this Gamespot interview with Anita Sarkeesian of Feminist Frequency and answer the following questions:

1) What reaction did Anita Sarkeesian receive when she published her videos on women in videogames? You can find more information on this on Sarkeesian’s Kickstarter fundraising page.

She has a lot of negative feedback but she didn't top and still created her. series.

2) How does Sarkeesian summarise feminism?

feminisms the radical notion that women. are human beings.
3) Why do stories matter?

Stories matter because they have messages and points that they need to get across to the audience.

4) How does Sarkeesian view Samus Aran and Lara Croft (the two protagonists from our upcoming CSPs)?

He views it as these two characters. are. being labelled as sex objects and are being sexualised in the game.

5) How has the videogame landscape changed with regards to the representation of women?

It has changed by because their are a lot of female games which are being launched and characters shown as strong as men for example fornite.

6) Why are Mirror’s Edge and Portal held up as examples of more progressive representations of women?

This is because they aren't sexualised in their game.

7) What are the qualities that Sarkeesian lists for developers to work on creating more positive female characters?

The narrative to show each character's view and personal flaw and the protagonist not. to be attached with sex appeal.

8) What is the impact of the videogames industry being male-dominated?

The impact is that videoagmes are being constructed in the view that male audiences like and are designed for male desires/pleasures.

9) What did Sarkeesian hope to achieve through her ‘Tropes vs Women in Video Games’ series?

She hopes to promote media literacy and make people aware  about how vidoegames are representing women in a. harmful way.

10) What media debates did Sarkeesian hope to spark with her video series?

She hopes to contribute with the ongoing things which are taking place with video games and how they are representing women.

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