1) Complete the questions in the first activity box (beginning with 'Do you play violent games? Are you violent in real life?')
i do play violent games but i am not violent in real life.
yes i do buy things which i see in the television or the internet.
no i don't watch documentaries.
2) What are the four categories for different effects theories?
Direct effect theory
Diffusion Theories
Indirect Effect Theories
The Pluralist Approach
3) What are the examples provided for the hypodermic needle theory - where media texts have been blamed for certain events?
•Child’s Play – The murder of Jamie Bulger and Marilyn Manson – The Columbine High School shootings
4) What was the 1999 Columbine massacre? You may need to research this online in addition to the information on the factsheet.
this was a school shooting in 1999 in columbine high school.5) What are the reasons listed on the factsheet to possibly explain the Columbine High School massacre?
the ease of firearms
the hopelessness created by living in an environment which is very poor.6) What does Gerbner's Cultivation theory suggest?
this theory talks more about the attitude than the behaviour.7) How does this front page of the Daily Mail (from this week - Wednesday 16 November) link to Cultivation theory? The Mail Online version of the story is here.
this front page is linked to cultivation theory because the headline and article is about children being on phone for 5 hours which is accepted rather than being able to decide as this article is linked to something which is very normal but is showing the audience the negative effect of this particular topic.
8) What does the factsheet suggest about action films and the values and ideologies that are reinforced with regards to violence?
the factsheet suggests that for the action films we are shown violence in a way that we accept it as we are shown the villian who uses it it in a bad way and the hero also uses it but that is shown in a good way but we accept the violence that the hero does but not the violence that the villian does.
9) What criticisms of direct effect theories are suggested in the factsheet?
The direct theories suggest that we make our judgement and opinion on things very easily.
10) Why might the 1970s sitcom Love Thy Neighbour be considered so controversial today? What does this tell us about Reception theory and how audiences create meanings?
The show shows a lot of races and genders which can give a different perception to different people.
11) What examples are provided for Hall's theory of preferred, negotiated and oppositional readings?
hall shows how text can be shown in two different perception.
for example the sun and the guardian can tell you the same stories but in a complete different perception.
12) Which audience theory do you think is most convincing? Why? It is important that you develop critical autonomy in judging the arguments for and against different theories and form your own opinion on these issues.
The audience theory which is the most convincing is hall's theory because this theory shows you how text can make you have two different opinion and that this helps you make your judgement quicker than all the other theories.
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