1) Type up your feedback in full (you don't need to write the mark and grade if you want to keep this confidential).
www-good knowledge of the csp's.,especially question3
ebi-Revise advertisement. theories.
2) Read the whole mark scheme for this assessment carefully. Identify at least one potential point that you missed out on for each question in the assessment.
Question 1 -Brand logo – serif font, links to monochrome colour scheme, style, sophistication, tradition.
Understated, placed in bottom-left. Product not specified – about brand ‘feel’, aspiration
rather than actual product details.
question 2 -Advert does not support Gauntlett’s suggestion there has been a “decline of tradition” – this
is a very traditional representation of masculinity.
question 3 -Representation of women in the Score advert reflects the changing role of women in the
1960s to some extent. This is no longer the stereotypical 1950s housewife but still a
reductive, exploitative, objectified representation of women.
3) On a scale of 1-10 (1 = low, 10 = high), how much revision and preparation did you do for this assessment?
5 I did some revision for the assessment.
4) Look at your answer and the mark scheme for Question 1. What aspect of technical film language (camerawork, mise-en-scene etc.) or advertising persuasive techniques do you need to revise to improve your response to this kind of question in future?
I need. to revise more. on the camerawork to show how the media product is being represented.
5) Look at your answer and the mark scheme for Question 2. What aspects of the cultural and historical context for the Score hair cream advert do you need to revise or develop in future?
I think I need to revise the historical context for the score hair cream advert to talk about how it's different from now which can help me in the future.
6) Now look over your mark, teacher comments and the mark scheme for Question 3 - the 20 mark essay question on David Gauntlett and masculinity 'in crisis'. Write a completely new paragraph for this question based on the suggested theories/answers in the mark scheme. Make sure it is an extensive, detailed paragraph focused on the question and offering examples/textual analysis from the Advertising CSPs.
In my opinion I think masculine its is in crisis because masculinity is changing throughout the years and the advertisements are showing the changes of it which is done by starring Manny in the Maybelline advert.Manny is openly gay and is a digital influencer. which shows how people are open with the gender and that there is nothing wrong in being gay.Additionally this was not the case some years back because gay people were not opening up publicly and evidence for that can be my other cup which is the score hair cream advert which shows the normal stereotypical view of masculinity.
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