Wednesday, July 10, 2019

oh comely audience

Read the Oh Comely website page on advertising and audience to get a good idea of the demographics and psychographics for the Oh Comely target audience then answer the following questions:

1) How does Oh Comely introduce itself?

It introduces itself to be t
2) How do the print circulation/readership statistics for Oh Comely compare to Men's Health?

They are quite low compared women's. health.

3) How is Oh Comely distributed to the audience?

It is distributed by traditional stores like WH Smith.

4) What do you think the target audience demographics for Oh Comely might be? Some details are provided by the magazine (e.g. average age 27) but make an educated guess on further demographic details.

The target audience is people in the upper class from  the age of 27-35 and is mostly educated people who are working in big companies and are earning lots of money.

5) What psychographic groups might be attracted to Oh Comely?

reformers-people who want to change the society as we can see from the front cover that it is about bisexual people.

6) What social class classification would you expect most Oh Comely readers to be? Why?

It will most likely be upper class as people who are not educated will not want to read the magazine as it will not interest them.

7) What level of education would you expect for most Oh Comely readers? Why?

I would think they are in uni getting there degree because they are more likely to understand this better with their reading ability.

8) What audience pleasures are offered by Oh Comely?

it helps audiences to gain knowledge by t which is surveillance and helps them to connect with it which can be personal identity.

9) It has been suggested Oh Comely is a “magazine about people, their quirks and creativity rather than money and what it can buy”. How does the design and advertising content of Oh Comely support this view?

This is. shown because the design the magazine is something which is very different and has a image of a women to be in the margin front cover without being objectified.Additionally they have not done any big advertisement for this magazine which shows that they are targeting which audience.

10) Why do you think Oh Comely has been able to build a loyal audience of subscribers in the eight years since it launched? Think about audience demand, rival magazines and the overall media landscape in the digital age.

This is because they have targeted a niche audience and show things inter perspective which allowed them to build loyal customers for 8 years and allowed them to be in the digital age.

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